It's a staple in many-a-family photo album. My parents have one of me. I now have one of my daughter.
Little girl with mommy's make-up on.
I don't know where I found my mother's lipstick, although I remember from the photo that it was a ghastly orange-ish color, very 70s. Laney found mine while rummaging through my make-up bag, which was left, rather stupidly, within her reach. It's too bad. I really loved that color. I think the color works for her skin, too, don'cha think?
Our first make-up conversation:
"What are you doing, Laney?"
"I'm pretty, Mommy!!"
I think we may be having the "less is more" conversation in our future.
You girls are such a crack up! Please post your old Wednesday, poopy Wednesday story. I know you have it somewhere you pack-rat. I seem to have lost it and it always made me smile when my Mom-of-the-year trophy was slipping hopelessly out of reach. Keep up the great stuff!
Luv ya lots - Mom of four, master of none ...
mother of four, master of none. I love it! You will always have a special place in my heart for being my first official commenter. :)
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