Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mystery of the Missing Piglet

Piglet's been missing for awhile. Laney has a few stuffed animals from Winnie the Pooh. Piglet is her favorite, because he's pink. I'd noticed that he'd gone missing and went looking for him. He wasn't in the usual areas -- the kids' room, their play area downstairs, the bathroom. It wasn't an emergency, but I kept an eye out for him.

Yesterday, I cleaned my house, well, part of my house. The sun shone brightly in the windows and beautifully lit up the rooms of our old farmhouse. . .and cast a spotlight the dust collecting on furniture tops and the grime on mirrors left by little hands and noses. I had never really gotten the term "Spring Cleaning" before. Why does one feel the sudden urgent need to clean in the springtime? I just didn't get it. That's because I've spent most of my life in warm climates somewhere in the near vicinity of the equator. This means slight temperature shifts and a relatively similar amount of daylight from season to season. In the case of Hawaii, virtually no change at all. The weather in Hawaii is so BORING, I would lament. Yeah, my life's been hard.

Now I know. The cold, dark winter does wonders for hiding shoddy housekeeping. The spring brings it all to light. So everywhere there was dust! And dirt! And grime! I felt the first twinges of spring cleaning panic rise.

You know how it is. You start with the mirrors, then you notice the dust on the cabinet. Then you wipe that down and you see the floor needs vacuuming (again) and maybe a good wash. Then you realize you haven't cleaned under your bed in awhile. . .

As I followed the never-ending trail of dust under the bed, there he was! Piglet! He was trapped under our bed with dust bunnies and a multitude of other toys -- a power ranger, a missing stacking cup, a rubber ball, a. . . Wait a minute. Why were half the kids' toys under our bed? Didn't they have their own room with beds for toys to get trapped under? Egads, the toys all needed a vacuuming. When the hell was the last time I vacuumed under here? Good lord, it was a ticking time bomb of dust allergies waiting to happen! Oh, hey! There were those other socks! You know, the ones that I thought the laundry machine ate up leaving a lonely other half behind. Nope, right here all the time.

Seven really should have married himself a better housewife.

Well, at least I've found Piglet.


Anonymous said...

You crack me up! I read here every day, just so you know. I eagerly anticipate your new blogs. That is one funny ski-hill video. :)
Jody - July 2003

viyibmya - where do they come up with these word verification words????

Anonymous said...

This one made me laugh out loud. I'm stuck deployed for 2 weeks with some Army and Marines working long hours in a horrible little Army post called Baumholder. God, these people are dumb with no sense of humor!!! grr. Thanks for the laugh -- I needed it :(

Miki said...

Brian -- In one of the Japanese Buddhist traditions, they have seven layers of hell. I do believe that one of those layers is being confined in a small space with stupid people with no sense of humor. :)

Jody -- It's really great to see you here! Thanks for all of the comments! It makes the blog feel more "alive" when people comment rather than just me blathering on at random. The video is really funny, you just can't think too much about it. I've fallen in the snow without gloves and that was painful, so I can't imagine what it must have been like for the guy cast off his massage chair cum snow scooter while wearing just a towel!!

Jonathan & Jennifer said...

Never search for Piglet again -- buy a spare! We have two monkeys, which was nice on the night that original Monkey got barfed on. Second Monkey was right there, puke-free and ready to go!

Unknown said...


You have a nice blog. I just thought of mentioning about this website They seem to offer specialized advice of dust mites allergies.