Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Photographic Genius

Nicky loves the digital camera. He's actually quite good at taking pictures, and the instant gratification of seeing his work on the display screen in the back has instilled quite a love of photography.

His first attempts ended in blurry images of his hand or the floor. The digital camera is perfect, because we could delete those pictures immediately rather than spend the money to have them developed only to be tossed out. The delete function also works nicely when he's taken an unflattering photo of my ass. Thankfully, those pictures will never see the light of day.

In a post that I guess I can file more for memory-keeping rather than for its interest to others level, I thought I'd display some of his work.
Here, notice the composition, the careful attention to detail.

See how Lightening McQueen is placed on the mousepad just so?

The home-made dragon is very well-centered, I might add.
He is very proud of his new rainboots. Laney was too, so they both wore them around the house. (Fresh out of the bag and not after they'd been trekked in through the mud) Laney's color-coordinated look is straight out of the magazines.

Here he experiments with varying basic elements in order to best tell the story. First, posing without the Spiderman mask.

Then the same pose again with the mask in place. (Nicky loves his Spiderman costume)

No experiment in photography would be complete without up-the-nose self-portraiture. Note how he plays with various expressions.


Michael Phan said...

I think I like the nostril hair coated with snot one

Miki said...

uh, gross, michael.

I would be remiss, however, if I didn't point out that my young son DOES NOT have much hair in his nose. Snot, on the other hand, that's a different story. And he is by far the least snotty of my two kids.

Ew. Subject change.