Monday, October 27, 2008

You know you're out of it when. . .

When you think you've been doing a better job of posting to your blog and realize that you've posted LESS this month than in any other. I think I might have been fired if I was actually getting paid to write this thing.

Do you ever read the comments? I try to post back to comments. So even when I don't post, I might be on here commenting. Maybe.

Others post funny or touching stuff, too, but I haven't been too successful in getting others to comment, yet. Then again, maybe it's better this way? A blog is kind of an ego-trip. I can go on about myself without having to actually listen to what others have to say. It's all about me, baby!
I hate that when you're, you know, like, talkin' and talkin' and still talkin' and then you look up to see that the other person has this glazed look in their eye just waiting for you to shut up. And when you do, they just, like, talk and talk and keep ON talking. And you start thinking about what you're going to say when they finally shut their yap, but their mouth just keeps movin' and movin'. Jiminey! Don't they ever shut up??

See, with a blog, you avoid all that.


Heather said...

I feel like blogs are conversations and if i take the time to read it, im going to take the time to say something about it and i love when people comment back because then it really does feel like we are talking.

Miki said...

I agree! I've been on blogs where the conversations can really flow. They are fun to read through. Even when you don't participate, you can still feel like you got something out of the conversation.