Monday, April 20, 2009

Work It Girl

Laney loves the camera. (My how different my kids are in this regard. Nicky acts like your infringing upon his human rights if you ask to take a picture.)
So earlier in the year, she asked me to take her picture. Suddenly, she started rolling around on the floor and posing in model fashion, without any prompting from me.

Laney, SuperModel

Then it was Mommy's turn to pose.
It is probably best this way.


Heather said...

Awww thats funny! As for working it, she had to get it from someone, thats got to be you, jk!

Anonymous said...

Haha! That is funny! Especially the one of you! :-)


Miki said...

Lol, Heather. Actually, I am really awkward and horrible on camera, so it is some weird recessive gene thing going on, I think.

Anonymous said...

Cute photos -- you're the headless floor model! :)
