Friday, March 6, 2009

Where the hell have YOU been?!?!?!

You know, the usual.

It started with a case of writer's block in December. I decided to take a short break and wait for the kids to do something exciting. Really, what IS the point of having kids if they provide you with nothin', NOTHIN' for the blog??! Hmph.

Writer's block became. . .blah, excuses, excuses, more excuses, blah. " Christmas?! Is it Christmas, already?! It came so fast." Blah, blah. "Then I was a sick wif a cold." Sniff, sniff, blah. "You have no idea! It was so dark in January. I was so tired all of the time!" Blah, blah, blah. "I was to start again after the New Year." Blah, blah. "Okay, after the Chinese New Year." Blah. "I really should do stuff around the house instead of blogging." Blah, blah, blah.

"What?! Is it really March already?!?!"

And that, people, is how a quarter of the year just flies by and you barely register it.