Friday, July 4, 2008

Land of the Midnight Sun

It is 12:32 a.m., and the sun is shining brightly. That's MIDNIGHT, people.

I guess I have been living here too long. It hasn't even occured to me to bitch about, mention, marvel at the Midnight Sun. For two months of the year, the sun doesn't set at all. We're nearing the end of those two months -- or are we in the middle of them? I'd have to get an almanac, and well, it's the middle of the night!
The Midnight Sun is a pretty fantastic sight, and the very long days are lovely. It's hard on me, though, because I just don't sleep well in the summer here. It's just too much light in the middle of the night. It is a crazy feeling, though, to be up at 11:30 and night and have a lot of energy, because the sun is shining outside.

This was taken about 11:45 or so. It came out dark, because of the trees, but it's actually pretty bright outside.

Here's another one taken a few minutes ago. I know you're not supposed to point the camera at the sun, but. . .the things I do for journalistic integrity.


Heather said...

Those are great pictures and I had no idea you had midnight sun! i thought that was only in alaska. Learn something new everyday, thanks for sharing!


Miki said...

The whole of Norway doesn't have it, just the far north where we are living. :)