Wednesday, July 9, 2008

This month, five years ago. . .

When the month started, I waddled when I walked, could no longer sleep on my back, and desperately missed a regular an occasional after-work beer. It had been a long time. . . My pregnancy had come easily, unexpectedly, and had gone smoothly. My life was still my own, and it felt familiar to me, even if my body didn't.

By month's end, it was a completely different life. I was a different me. I was mother to a beautiful baby boy. My first child. A baby boy with a head full of black hair and eyes the color of the deep blue ocean. I had wondered what he looked like. Now I knew. I didn't realize he'd have so much hair. I didn't think his eyes would be so blue. He had a cut on the side of his perfect little nose, we still don't know what from. He had all his fingers, all his toes. He had the sweetest, smallest ears. I had never seen him before, and yet he was instantly familiar to me. It was quite remarkable to me that all those baby parts had fit inside my body not so long ago.

Who was this child? The one who seemed to know his place was with me, despite my own ambivalence and uncertainty about being his mother. I was so scared. He wasn't. He simply was. He quieted when I held him. He cried only when I didn't. He was so clear in his eyes. He seemed to look knowingly at the world around him. He didn't have that cross-eyed newborn look.

Although he could get that, too.

I wondered if I'd be a good mother. . .if I was worthy of him. I wonder that still. Sometimes, deep down near the core of me, I worry that I'm not. I can only hope that I am. At the very least, I try. I've never tried so hard at anything else in my life. We've had our ups and downs, Nicky and me. He's taught me a lot. I hope that I sometimes return that favor.

When he was born, I didn't think I knew him. How could I, I thought. I've only just met him. I see now that I knew him better than I thought. In the womb, he didn't punch or kick me often. He rolled and pushed. If his foot was tucked uncomfortably under my rib, I could push it softly, and he'd move it. Ever gentle and agreeable. He's not about big movements. He rolls when life pushes. He doesn't kick or punch his way through. He's often content to sit quietly and get lost in his drawing or in his own imagination. He doesn't clamor for attention or go out of his way to make himself noticed.

They say still waters run deep. This child is still waters. You could drown in the depths of him, and he's still so young.

He'll be five this month. This sweet baby of mine. He's growing up. Much too fast. I try to savor every moment, but it's like trying to catch the falling rain. The drops come so fast and just disappear. Time just flows. Quickly. By.

Home from the hospital
At two months

At four

At six months
And more. At one year

Two years

Three years

And four

Happy Birthday, Sweet Child!

*Quick note. Today is not Nicky's birthday. July is just his birth month.


~drewandmattysmom~ said...

I will write what I always think when I read your blog...your kids are so beautiful!
I had a bit of a lump in my throat as I read this because this month is my little guys birth month as well! Also turning's bittersweet isn't it? I am so in love with him, so thrilled to see him every morning, so proud of the little person he is becoming, and yet it saddens me that my "baby" is gone a little more everyday. Oh well, that's life right? We can just try to remember and enjoy every single moment (some more than others haha).

Miki said...

Yes, some more than others, for sure! :) It IS bittersweet to see your kids grow up. On one hand, it's exciting to see who they become. On the other, you lose your 'baby.' I guess that's why each stage has it's good and bad points. Babies are wonderful, but so is sleeping through the night. You can't always have one with the other. :) Toddlers are sweet, rationality is sweeter. Sometimes. Why do they drive us so crazy, but when those moments are gone, we miss them so much? I gues that is just life. It really should have come with a pause button.

Reeta said...

Hi Miki!
I have been reading your blog sometime now and I think that finally I have to leave a note.

I'm Reeta, Terje's (your children's cousin) Finnish wife and like you I'm living in Norway while my family and friends live in the other country. I also try to learn Norwegian and build my life here while wondering how did this happen and I end up this country...

And as you know, less than four weeks ago we were so lucky that we got our own little viking-girl! She's so incredibly beautiful and I also feel so very unsecure if I really can be the mother she needs and deserves. And at the same time, she seems to be so calm and so secure in her life that it makes me calm too. These first weeks have been the happiest and the most absurd in my life.

Thank you so much for all the lovely clothes that you sent to us and I really hope we can meet soon! Greetings also from Hilla and Terje!

(I have a blog too but I write there mostly about books and literature. Mostly in Finnish but sometimes also in English or even Norwegian.

Heather said...

Wow great pixs. What a cute kid from birth all the way up. thanks for sharing and Happy birthday!!!

Miki said...

Thanks, Heather!

Reeta, thanks for commenting! Becoming a mom is very surreal. Not to worry, you already are the mother she needs you to be! I am sure of it. We hope to meet you and Hilla soon. We also have another box coming your way.