Thursday, July 17, 2008

In Loving Memory

Our digital camera is officially dead.

Despite the fact that the 20-minute delay in taking pictures had begun to annoy me greatly, it was still a very active part of our family. We bought it a few days before Nicky was born, so that we could send pictures to our families, none of whom lived around us at the time. (You can't force your newborn baby photos on your friends and family unless they are close by. Digitals are the answer to long-distance baby photo overload.)

If we'd bought it a year earlier, we could have actually had digital pictures of our wedding and my pregnancy. Most importantly, we might actually have a digital skinny picture of me, instead of all the swollen, 'just-had-a-baby-or-two' pictures of me. The new bane of my existence is trying to find a decent Facebook photo of myself -- one of me alone, with only one chin, that is blurred just enough to hide my age. . .they don't exist.

Our digital was a patient creature. I think the cause of the 'lens error' that led to its eventual death was all of the times it was forced to take the SAME photo 30 times in attempt to capture a just-right image of my children. Anyone who has attempted to take a picture of two small children (especially if one of them is a toddler) in the desperate hope that all will look at the camera at the same time and not make some annoying sweetly goofy face knows that 30 takes is a minimum. So in loving honor of our camera, one of those times. . .

MAY 2007

Laney is sweet, Nicky has 'hangover' eyes.

Nicky is sweet, Laney MUST inspect baby's head at that exact moment.

Laney is reasonably sweet (mommy'll take it!), what the hell is Nicky doing with his face?!

This whole situation is getting old. Their lips are tired of attempting smiles. Is that a tiger growl? But hey, they're both looking at the camera!

Laney's had enough. She's outta there, but she'll smile on the way out. Nicky has begun to find this whole process tedious. Mommy is clutching the camera painfully, it can feel that it's time is drawing near and there aren't many good years left. . .


Heather said...

Hey lucky it lasted this long, lol!

Jonathan & Jennifer said...

I am laughing my butt off, because I have SO been there with our old digital! I was so sick of having half-blurry cruddy pics of my toddler. So, after my most recent Reserve duty pay posted, I treated myself to a fabulous Nikon D40 Digital SLR camera...and I am now the happiest mommy on the block! Now, if only I can find the time to take a class in how to use all the super-cool features, we'll be in business.