Monday, June 16, 2008

Look over there! Diamonds!

So in an effort to bury the profanity-laden post a couple of posts down, I thought I'd throw up a couple of pictures to distract you.

I bought a cage for the kids.

Just kidding! (You knew that right? Laney kind looks like she might be in a cage, though. Funny eyes.) It's actually a soccer net. Seven and I have begun the journey of living vicariously through our children and imposing our dreams upon them. Nicky WILL be a soccer superstar. First, he must learn that it's the ball that goes in the net, not ourselves and little sisters. After that, it's all cake. Just running and kicking a ball. What's so hard about THAT? It's foolproof! We'll never have to work again!

Snug as two bugs in a rug. Awwwwwww, ain't they sweet?

On the off chance that anyone is wondering, and I KNOW people notice everything around here. . .we are all sleeping in one bedroom while we've turned over the kids' room into a guest room. Laney crawled into Nicky's bed, just because.


Heather said...

I love that little goal!

Miki said...

Hi, Heather! Welcome to the blog. Thanks for all of the comments! I looooooooooooooove comments. :)