Tuesday, April 15, 2008

No more Norwegian

I was getting ready to go to my Norwegian class when I heard Nicky running up the steps.

"Mommy," he said a little breathless. "You have to call me if you see any invisible bad guys at your school."

"Um, okay."

"Don't forget, you have to call me, okay? (pause) Why do you have to learn Norwegian?"

"Lots of reasons. One day, you'll go to school and have homework and stuff. I'll have to help you and Laney with your homework."

"Pappa can help us with our homework. Don't go! Don't go to your class!"

Aha! The real reason for this conversation.

I think he thought that settled matters, because when I was about to walk out the door, he reminded me, "Pappa is going to help me and Laney with our homework. You don't have to learn Norwegian anymore."

Sigh. I wish it were that easy.

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