Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Nicky cleaned his room yesterday -- ON HIS OWN INITIATIVE. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was -- especially since many of our conversations go something like this. . .

Nicky: Mommy, I have to pee.
Me: Well, go pee. You're four-years-old and can do that yourself.
Nicky, very put out: Why do I have to do EVERYTHING myself?!

Nicky: Where is my Spiderman?
Me: I don't know. Why don't you go check your room?
Nicky, letting out a big, tragic sigh: Why do I have to find EVERYTHING myself? You NEVER help me!

I heard the kids up and about Sunday morning. I heard Nicky tell Laney that they were going to clean their room, which incidentally was a toy-strewn nightmare. I heard Nicky directing the action and the opening and closing of cabinet doors, scraping and pushing. Finally, I heard Nicky come in to my room and announce, "Mommy, I cleaned my room! Come and see!"
I did see. They managed to do a pretty good job, Nicky and his little helper/sister. Someday, I'll teach them that shoving everything under the bed is not really cleaning, but for now, I was so very proud of the effort. I made a big to-do about what a great job they did and how happy I was. Nicky was thrilled with the praise and asked several times throughout the day if his room looked nice just to hear more.

Today before bed, he says to me, "Mommy, you know what makes me glad?"
"What, baby?"
"I'm glad when you are happy I clean my room."

May it always be this easy for us to make each other happy.

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