Sunday, March 23, 2008

God Påske!

I love Nicky's little smiley face egg.

That's Happy Easter to you and me. I've been a little MIA this week trying to get in a traditional Norwegian Easter holiday of skiing, skiing, ice fishing and more skiing. We've done pretty good on that front and have been out on the trails a bit this Easter, skiing in the hills and over frozen lakes. I can feel it in my arms and will be glad for the break tomorrow. It's not like we've been out for miles and miles and miles, but it hurts anyway.

We have tried combining traditions from the two countries. In Norway, it's all about getting on skis, drinking hot chocolate and eating oranges. For the American side, we dye Easter eggs with store-bought Paas coloring at some point in the five-day holiday, then Easter Sunday, we hide the kids' Easter baskets, and they do an egg hunt. This year there was so much snow on the ground, so it was a little funny watching them try to scoop up the eggs in their gloved hands. . .so much for sweet Easter dresses and suits. It's all wool sweaters here. However, Easter chocolate is universal and that they got in spades.

I've taken pictures, but most aren't so great. I NEED a better camera. I will post pictures in a day or two. . .when my arms have recovered.

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