Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our Norwegian Easter

It hasn't actually taken me this long to physically recover from the holiday. It has taken my house this long to partially recover. Toys were left where they were tossed. Laundry piled up. And piled up. Then threatened to overwhelm the house. All in the name of getting out and enjoying nature. The same thing happens when the weather warms up in this part of the world. You absolutely CANNOT be inside when the weather is nice outside, so the house, laundry and everything else goes to pot while you get out to enjoy the pleasant, and fleeting, summer weather. Despite what you may believe about Norway, these pictures are NOT of summer weather. :) It was sunny and quite pleasant, but alas, COLD. I think the Eskimo look is probably going to scare the bejeebus out of Grandma and Grandpa in Hawaii.

First, here are the kids dyeing Easter Eggs. You may think the paint shirts are overkill. Then you don't know my daughter. They SAID they had fun, but I didn't really capture that on film, did I? Laney's expression cracks me up.

The kids are sitting on something called a pulk. Basically, it's a pull-sled. It's so you can bring babies (6 months and up) out on ski trips until they are old enough to ski themselves. However, Nicky's no fool. Even though he's already a pretty good skier, he wasn't about to plow his way across a frozen lake when Daddy could just pull him along! Believe it or not, Laney falls asleep in that thing and is out like a log. Skiing on the lake was really nice as it's flat and easy-going. We skied across the lake to get to a friend's cabin.

Ice fishing is fun. Okay, no it's not. In our case, it was ice-sitting as we didn't catch anything. I don't really enjoy fishing to begin with, and while it was nice to have the experience and all, I think I'll leave future ice-sitting/standing to the boys (and Laney if she loves it).

What kids wear on Easter in Norway. . .WOOL! No frilly Easter dresses here. Sigh. I love dressing Laney up in frilly things. I still think they're adorable. I've begun to love the look of kids in wool outfits. They just look so cuddly.

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