Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ignorance is BLISS

If you'd told me fifteen years ago that one day I'd prefer to be blind and stupid to things, I'd never have believed you. I thought it was important to know as much as possible about everything. I was a voracious reader and loved learning little-known or arcane facts. I loved reading the news and knowing what was happening in the world around me.

What a dork.

Today I'm perfectly happy browsing baby websites and reading the occasional mind-numbing celebrity gossip. The reason is that when I actually try and read the news, I find out things like "there’s about a gram of feces—a quarter the size of a small peanut—in every pair of dirty underwear." EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I could have gone happily to my death not knowing that. Basically, because I have two small children in the house, one of whom is potty-training, my laundry machine is an E. coli infested killing machine.

If you want to be terrified of your kitchen sink, in the name of knowledge, go ahead, click on the link below.

Otherwise, you can join me back in my dark, but blissful, cave.


Jonathan & Jennifer said...

OK. WHY did I read that link? Now I'm grossed out.

Miki said...

I KNOW! I think that's why people get a little too overzealous about germs. You read stuff like that and you want to douse the whole house in clorox. Definitely replaced all my kitchen sponges. I also have this thing about bedding after reading about dust mites. But dust mites don't terrify me enough to actually dust my house regularly and they probably should!!